In partnership with our financial institution, you will be advised on the best investments to match your needs.
This procedure will determine the most appropriate Tier I Visa for your application.

“Whenever you make an investment in yourself, you’re making an investment in your future.”
Warren Buffet

Tier 1 (Investor) Visa Investment
The Tier 1 (Investor) Visa requires the applicant to have substantial disposable investment funds but has no set English language requirement.
Applicants for this visa will “not” be required to attend an interview with the Clearing Officer.
Two discretionary portfolios will be available for clients on this programme:
- Fixed Income only: 95% 5% Cash
- Balanced: 47.5% Fixed Income 47.5% Equity 5% Cash
100% of the investment (GBP 2 to 10 million as required by The Tier 1 (Investor) Visa rules) must be placed in UK Gilts, corporate bonds or UK registered companies issued equities
The Financial Team Services
Pre-Trade Checks
Internal and external screening process, checking UK registered Companies status
Post-Trade Checks
- Daily system checks
- Daily, weekly and monthly review of total capital invested
- Monitoring in every reporting period to ensure that the minimum investment of total capital is maintained to meet the UKVI requirements
*See Tier 1 (Investor) Visa and Tier 1 (Investor) Investment Portfolios for additional details on investment requirements and processes
**See Discretionary Investor Visa requirements for additional details

Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Visa Investment
The Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Visa applicant requires more modest disposable investment funds, but “does” require supporting evidence of their status as an entrepreneur along with a credible Business Plan for the target investment.
Applicants for this visa “do” need to have good English language skills and “are” required to attend an interview with the Clearing Officer before any final decision is made on their application.
The Investment must be no less than GBP 200,000 and in a category of business that the applicant has had previous involvement
The Financial Team Services
Advise on the most suitable UK business for your investment with supporting Business Plans for presentation to the UK authorities.
For a start-up business, registering documents with Companies House, securing appropriate office space, and selecting new staff, as required.
*See Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Visa for additional detail on investment requirements and processes
**See under Investment Principles for additional details
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”
Lao Tzu
At Agency Investments we understand the complexities of achieving UK residential status, re-location and investment into the UK, we also understand the short-term and long-term-benefits.
We always aim to give our clients the highest quality advice and assistance possible.