Tier 1 (Investor) Investment
What You Can Expect In a Discretionary Portfolio
Investor Visa Fixed Income Proposal
Reference Currency: GBP
Risk Profile: Low
Investment Strategy: Discretionary Investor Visa Fixed Income (100% Income)
- Portfolio designed to meet the investment maintenance requirements of the UK Tier 1 (Investor) Visa Programme
- By investing in securities of UK government or corporate entities the client will be able to accelerate the process towards being granted a visa
- The Investor Visa portfolios are designed as a relatively low risk route to gaining residency in the UK
- By investing in a portfolio of UK gilts and corporate bonds issued by UK companies, you can meet the criteria while your investments are professionally managed
Benchmark: FTSE 5-year UK Gilt Index (The FTSE Actuaries UK Gilts Indices are a comprehensive family of indices and related bonds data (e.g. Duration) and are based on all eligible British Government Securities)
Asset Allocation: 5% cash/95% direct bonds
Active Management: reflecting our financial partner’s views on duration, sector and individual companies views within the UKVI requirements
Investor Visa Balanced Proposal
Reference Currency: GBP
Risk Profile: Medium
Investment Strategy: Discretionary Investor Visa Balanced (50% Fixed Income and 50% Equity)
- Portfolio designed to meet the investment maintenance requirements of the UK Tier 1 (Investor) Visa Programme
- By investing in securities of UK government or corporate entities, the client will be able to accelerate the process towards being granted a visa
- The investor Visa portfolios are designed as a relatively low risk route towards residency in the UK
- By investing in a portfolio of UK gilts and corporate bonds issued by UK companies you can meet the criteria while your investments are professionally managed
Benchmark: FTSE 5-year UK Gilt Index (The FTSE Actuaries UK Gilts Indices are a comprehensive family of indices and related bonds data (e.g. Duration) and are based on all eligible British Government Securities)
FTSE 100 index GBP
Asset Allocation: 5% cash/47.5% direct bonds/47.5% direct equities
Active Management: reflecting our financial partner’s views on duration, sector and individual companies views within the UKVI requirements
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”
Lao Tzu
At Agency Investments we understand the complexities of re-location and investment into the UK, we also understand the short-term and long-term-benefits.
We always aim to give our clients the highest quality advice and assistance possible.